Saturday, February 24, 2024

In Alabama, embryos are now persons you see, imagine all the possibilities…


In Alabama, embryos are now persons you see, imagine all the possibilities…

If age be defined by the time of conception...

Will an embryo frozen five years ago be required to go to school.

Will be eligible for a driver's license if from 16 years ago it was frozen.

Will it be eligible vote if from 18 years ago it was frozen.

If 21 years ago it became a person, will be allowed to drink or smoke in Alabama today.

If more than 21 years ago it became a person, how might it affect the rule against perpetuities?

If the embryo is 18 and male and plans goes to college, will he have to register for the draft?

When will the embryo be eligible for Social Security and retirement?

Will it be referred to as he, she, it, or they?  What if  the embryo is the basis of twins, who will it be?

If the embryo turns out to be trans, how will we know what bathroom it can use?

Will it be a US citizen if frozen in Alabama, but birthed in Mexico?  

Will it be able to inherit?  When will it be required to pay taxes, look for a job, or be charged with a crime?

If it is Catholic when does it acquire original sin or be eligible for first communion?

Will it be considered an orphan if its parents were to die or will its parents be charged with abandonment if they failed to bring the embryo to birth? Could the government charge parents with abandon it if the parents opt not to bring the embryo to birth?

If the embryo were stolen, would it constitute kidnapping? Should an embryo at age 18 be able to attend  a senior prom?

If the age of marriage is as young as 16 in Alabama and it was frozen that long ago, will I be able to marry another  embryo, but only if it's of the opposite sex?

Will an embryo be charged with murder if implanted into a uterus and it forces a miscarriage?

These is what happens in Alabama  you see, if embryos are persons  Can you suggest to me other possibilities?


  1. What date should be on the "birth" certificate?

  2. Could a pregnant undocumented person be deported if she's carrying an American citizen?
