Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Truth About Taxes: A talk hosted by River Valley Action

Contemporary American politics is dominated by too many myths.  On January 31, 2012, the River Valley Action hosted a talked at the Woodbury Peaceful Grove/United  Methodist Church entitled "Debunking Common Myths."

The talk was attended by nearly 100 individuals.  Three myths were tackled that night-- that taxes are a major detriment to economic growth, that regulation kills jobs, and that voter fraud is rampant.   I spoke on the topic of  taxes.  My Powerpoint presentation is on my web page.

A great summary of the meeting is provided by Dick Bernard.

The crowd was terrific except for a few hecklers who came not to listen but to disrupt the meeting.  The huffed and puffed and shouted and in general acted like goons.  One big guy kept badgering me and just simply refused to let me talk.  He proved an old adage--but to keep you  mouth shut and have people think you are stupid  than open your mouth and prove it.

The MN League of Women Voters produced a lethal video on why we do not need voter ID.  It is a must for all to watch.

Great forum.

1 comment:

  1. Goons seem to be everywhere don't they? Thank you for revealing the truth.
